1-on-1 Online Business Coaching
Looking to start your own business in the fitness or wellness space? With 5 years as a business owner, and 10+ years working through various organizations to help grow their businesses, she is ready to help you get to where you want to be!

Introductory 90 Minute Strategy Session
We start with a full intensive to brainstorm, gather ideas, understand the process from idea to finished product, create goals and start to put a plan into action.
24/7 Support via Text & Voice Memo
As Amanda's client, you will have access to her personal cell for 1-on-1 support 24/7. She is here to help and knows how crucial it is to have this kind of support in between weekly calls.
Creating the Experience
Understand what it takes to create a fitness and business experience that your clients will continue to come back to! Understand the importance of scheduling, offering free products, flow of your sales process, authenticity, and more! Creation of Zoom account for classes, 1 on 1 sessions through Trainerize, and more included in this!
LLC Creation & Legal Support
Let's get your business up and running legally! We will establish a business name together and get your LLC processing right off the bat.
Outreach & Sales Tactics
How to engage with your clients START to FINISH - providing the best support and user experience possible. Learn from Amanda's go-to outreach tactics, email marketing systems, flyer creation, client calls, to closing a client!
1 Weekly Check-In Call
These are 1 hour strategy calls once per week to implement tasks, make adjustments to any plans, give Amanda updates, and to ask questions to continue to be successful. SO MUCH changes in one week of planning your business, so it's important to stay in touch with your coach so she can assist you with tips and any restructuring that needs to happen.
Marketing & Social Support
Get in depth tips on marketing your business through social media, website creation, referral programs, email marketing strategies, influencer marketing, and more! Create a content calendar, advertisements on social, correct usage of polls & Instagram stories, reel creation with specified hashtags, how often to be posting, and more!
Website Creation
Let's make your consumer experience incredible with a beautiful and easy flowing website! Creating over 10+ websites over the last few years from start to finish & Amanda's major in Marketing, you will be ready to get up in running in no time with a website that capture's the eye and generates leads on its own.
Hiring a Virtual Assistant
With growth, comes work OVERLOAD! Learn how to delegate tasks to a virtual assistant to help you generate new leads, do outreach, and stay organized.